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Parcours Recherche LMN - Light, Matter and iNteractions

Dernière mise à jour :

The Master « Light Matter and iNteractions » (LMN) of the graduate research program Light S&T is an international and interdisciplinary master that aims to provide high-level education and training in English in the fields of quantum technologies, photonics, nanoscience and condensed matter, extreme regimes of light and plasmas, biophysics and biophotonics.

The Master meets the strong demand for qualified researchers and engineers in the domains of light sciences and their applications. This Master benefits from the excellence of the Bordeaux campus research in these fields, a rich industrial environment, the proximity of a unique facility (Laser Mega Joule), and the partnership with the Institut d’Optique Graduate School. This Master track also leads to the preparation of the Agregation exam.

Program outline

The international Master in Light Matter and iNteraction is a two-year (120 ECTS) Master of Science Program offered in English.

Selected as a French Initiative of Excellence, the program focuses on knowledge and innovation in light sciences and technologies, providing a multidisciplinary environment for first-class research and education. Students are offered cross-disciplinary training with a strong emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship provided by both academic and industrial experts. The Master is embedded in a cross-fertilizing research environment, adapted to future professions within photonic industries.

Strengths of the program

  • Integrated and interdisciplinary education program provided by academic and industrial experts
  • Immersive training in research laboratories and the industrial R&D centers
  • Extensive hands-on training is given in state of the art research facilities and infrastructures
  • Transverse skills modules
  • International mobility and/or training in industry
  • Long-term, gratified internships, starting in M1
  • Possibilities of excellence grants for the best students

Research and training topics

The interdisciplinary graduate program in Light Sciences and Technologies focuses on four domains of excellence of the University of Bordeaux: Quantum technologies, photonics, Extreme regimes of light and plasmas, and biophotonics.

The training program is structured on 4 complementary pillars

  • Scientific courseslectures and practical training to acquire a wide-ranging knowledge in the broad spectrum of light Sciences and Technologies
  • Imparting of advanced practical skills in laboratory courses and  internships in industry or a research institution
  • Research-based training to acquire strong competencies in the interdisciplinary research areas of the UB campus
  • Transferable skills training: Scientific communication in English (written and oral)

Fees and Scholarships

  • University registration fees. Exemptions are available based on social criteria.
  • Scholarships available: Scholarships may be granted to selected applicants according to criteria of excellence.

Career in Light Sciences and technologies 

After graduation, students are fully prepared to pursue doctoral studies and a career in research, or the preparation of Agregation teaching exams. They may also work as scientists or R&D engineers within the industrial field.

Associated business sectors:

  • Light sources, laser processing and 3D manufacturing
  • Innovative optical materials and components
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Sensors and multi-responsive detection systems
  • Fusion Technologies
  • Smart and reconfigurable integrated photonics systems based on innovative hybrid nanotechnologies
  • Pharmaceutical companies (drug screening and testing)
  • Bio-imaging

En savoir plus

Apply for M1 and M2


  • Jean Oberle

    Responsable de la mention

  • Philippe Tamarat

    Responsable du M1 & M2

  • Emmanuel d'Humières

    Academic Officer

University of Bordeaux, 351 cours de la libération 33400 Talence